Friday, May 18, 2012

4 day-HyperTrohpy Split

It has been a month since I blogged.My house has been tore apart.I now have power,water and internet. My nutrition has been suffering but I have been working out.My supplements have suffered also due to finances trying to get my house a home again. :/

     I would just like to note that I have come to the conclusion I couldn't be a bodybuilder.I just don't have the discipline for it nor do I have the finances to keep up my supplements nor do I have the time to get all my workouts and cardio in while working 15 hours days. Between my job and my training the family balance suffers and that is the most important to me. But however I have learned that and cherish it. I can hit the gym daily to strength train but my cardio suffers,I dont mind doing it,I just run out of time. My family tends to eat out ALOT and has to travel ALOT with my daughters dance competitions. I had to learn to order accordingly but sometimes in some restraunts it is just to hard.Living in the South everything is freaking FRIED!!!! But I have been doing decent.I have gained lots of STRENGTH weight training this year,I have lost fat and gained MUSCLE.My weight has dropped 15lbs,ALL FAT. It is a constant battle.I mean CONSTANT!!!!!! It sucks being a endomorph!!

    To top it all off my doctor seems to think ,since it is so hard for me to gain muscle and lose fat, that my testosterone is to blame.To low for my age.Today I will be start replacement therapy with Injections of Cypionate. I am praying it helps and not hinder. I just want a nice body,point blank. I know I can eat,train and run to lose weight but my physique dont look athletic the way I want it to. Its not only the testosterone but also my train of thought towards food. I just eat bad every now and then and it shows. I just don't have the dedication it takes to reach my goal. My desire has faded and I need to replenish it.I have surrounded myself with people that has the same goals hoping it helps.I have surrounded myself with the best in the business hoping to stay motivated!! As I see my friends compete I envy what they have done!!!!
      I would like to say that my body didn't go all to hell this year the way it normally does. I have to give credit to Nicole Gray and Joe Franco for their motivation and accountability and most important the Wisdom and Knowledge of the Body!!! I owe Joe alot,I will never be able to repay him for what I have learned in a very brief time. Not only about the sport or the body but about life in general.

     Now it is time for me to get my train of thought and my desire geared up and get the rest of this FAT off my Muscles!!! I will not fail myself. I owe it to me and to my family that puts up with my bullshit daily.The time I'm away from them to train/run and for the money I spend on me instead of them (food & supplements).  I have been helping lots of obese people meet there goals,in other words I have been talking the talk and dammit its time for ME to WALK the WALK!!!!!!!

                                          Thanks for reading my Ramblings!!!!!

4 day-HyperTrohpy Split
Routine B-Rotation-3
Back and Hams

Lat under

T-Bar Row

Db Deads

Close Row High


Leg Curl

Cardio-Sprints 35minutes


1) Whey-MultiVitamin-L carnitine-B12-OxyElitePro
4)Fish oil-----Huma Pro for extra protein with sardines
5)(Pre w/o) ALA-BN StrikeHD-Beta Alinine-NOexplode
Intra W/O BCAA'S
Creatine after Strength Training
6) (Post W/O) L Carnitine-Whey-ALA-Vitamin C-Vitamin-E HMB

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